Training for a first marathon as an overweight woman on a paleo eating plan.
Thursday, 26 March 2015
New shoes
Ta da! That's them. My new Hoka Cliftons. They are different. The sole was seriously springy. It was like running on thick foam. They were very light despite how chunky they are. They are reviewed on a running site that I use as a long distance shoe and suitable for light over pronators. So they should work for me. I just wonder what sort of support they offer.
I ran five miles this evening and my time was a little better than previous attempts. It still bugs me that despite having run a lot more than five miles on many occasions, five miles is still hard for me. My knees feel better after the run than they did before it. Interesting.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Last two runs
I'm off work this week, but I'm feeling smug because I got up early and ran yesterday regardless of that. I did five miles. It was tough enough, given that I've run more than five miles on many occasions now. My knees have been tired and sore, particularly the right one. I wondered about getting up early and running again this morning. I ended up having a lie in. And much enjoyed it was too. But it was in my head all day tgat I owed myself eight miles. I could have run tomorrow and Wednesday instead, but in the end I went out at five o'clock instead. I just wanted to get it done. While I wasn't so keen on running in the evening traffic, I still ran well and my pace was better than it normally is in the morning.
I got an email to say that a parcel had been delivered to work. I'm pretty sure that it's my new Hoka running shoes, so I'm going to collect them when I'm in Belfast tomorrow. I'm thinking that the Brooks I bought recently are not giving me enough support for the high mileage runs, and that's possibly why my right knee is getting sore. Hoka are supposed to be really good for long distances. Fingers crossed.
Saturday, 21 March 2015
The Usual Friday Anticipation
As it turned out, I didn't need the loo at all. I managed to "squeeze the cheese" before I left, and that tided me over. The run took three hours, thirty-three minutes. That's five minutes faster than last week. Not much, in the scheme of things, but an improvement nonetheless. I have to admit though, it was not easy going. I was really pissed off for the first few miles. I just couldn't get my head round the distance that I had to go. I was just getting on to the ring road, only three kilometers in, and I couldn't envisage going twenty-three more. It actually really got me down. I felt quite emotional. I was really thinking of giving up, and what that would mean to me. As much as the start of the run wasn't fun, and I so wanted to go straight home (and for some reason, I was quite close to tears. No idea why.) The thought of giving up on this particular challenge does not sit well with me! I was peeved, I suppose, because I know in advance just how long the run is going to take me, and it's a bit depressing. Regardless, I just kept plodding along. A book I read recently misquoted Dory from Finding Nemo, "Just keep running, just keep running..." and that's what I did. Something that helped me was realizing that after today, I only had three long runs left, a sixteen miler and two eighteen milers. Then the next long run will be MD itself!
One way or another, I did it. I finished. I listened to Jane Eyre on audio book (got through ten chapters of it!) and felt relatively okay by the end of it. By mile ten, a sort of contentment set in. Now, I wouldn't go so far as to say I hit a runner's high. So far, it's a mythical thing to me. I've no experience of it. I wonder if I will ever run into it. Seems unlikely to me at this point in time. But sure, you never know.
It was a lot lighter this morning than before. I ran nearly the whole thing in full daylight. This will be even more the case from next week. So I am no longer running under cover of darkness. I hate running in daylight, I'm too fat to look like a proper runner that anyone could take seriously. But I just have to get used to it. It's certainly going to be the case on MD.
And now, long run complete, I can enjoy my week off. The run was hanging over my head till now.
Friday, 20 March 2015
Much better
After that thoroughly miserable post yesterday, "Oh woe is me. My knee is falling off. What will I do?!?!" I am chuffed to note that it's loads better today. Ibuprofen, extra K T tape and a good night's sleep all seem to have combined to work their magic. Smiley faces all round. So just gotta do more of the same (minus the pain killers) today, and all will hopefully be well for my run in the morning. I think I will take some tablets before running though, just in case.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Very sore right knee
My right knee niggled all through my run this morning. Normally, once warmed up, there's no pain till I stop. Today though, it hurt until I'd run 6km. Ironically, the left knee didn't hurt at all, and it was always the one that gave me trouble before all this marathon training. The pain eased for a kilometer, then I got the weirdest pain in my right thigh as I was running downhill. It was sharp and felt almost as if I'd hit a funny bone in my thigh. It happened a couple of times and, for the first time in my training, I had to walk for a minute or two to get rid of it. It was so out of the blue that I nearly cried. Not from the pain, but from the possibility that it might stop me running. That was odd, given that I'd spent a fair proportion of the run talking myself into continuing!
I started a timid run for the last kilometer, and got home okay. The problem now is that the back of my right knee is really sore. It's never felt like that before. So I'm worried about it. I took some ibuprofen and looked up some other applications of K T tape, which I've tried out. Now all I have to do is rest it tomorrow, and hope I can run sixteen miles on Saturday morning.
It's amazing that I even care that this could stop me running. I was just thinking this morning that I actually don't enjoy running at the moment. I feel as if I'm obliged to run. All the training mileage is making me feel fed up. Yet I don't like the idea that the choice would be taken out of my hands. Or do I? Imagine I could get out of the marathon, and I'd no choice. Wouldn't that be great? No. I've nearly got to the end of week ten. Imagine wasting that. I'd always regret that. There's no point in denying that. I'd hate it. So here's hoping I can head this bad knee off at the pass.
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
A lot more perky today
Nutritionally speaking though, I had a bad day yesterday. I ate every calorie I'd earned on the run and more. Even with the 200g of jelly sweets that I ate at work, I'd have come in under my allowance after a dinner of homemade chicken curry and brown basmati rice, but I got a tub of chocolate salted caramel ice cream and ate the whole darn thing. So I ended up about 1300 cals over for the day! Must do better :-) I'm still two stone lighter though, than I was at the start of the year, when I started the marathon training, with seven weeks to go. I can get a bit lighter yet. It all helps with the running. Mind you, apart from needing to pooh en route, I'm never going to have owt in common with Paula Radcliff.
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
I must be nuts
The run was okay initially, but I fatigued quite quickly and I am very tired now. I mean just drained of energy. Not enough carbs perhaps. As a solution, and perhaps not the best one, I got some jelly sweets in work. A big bowl of porridge and banana might have been a better option, but not the best thing to eat at my desk. It definitely perked me up a bit. Will there be a sugar crash now, I wonder?
Thinking about it though, I definitely didn't drink enough water yesterday, so I bet dehydration has something to do with it, especially as I don't bring anything to drink on the hoof, if the run is eight miles or less. I'll make an effort to do better today.
I'm going to cook some brown rice later as part of my campaign to increase my healthy carb intake. I will go back to the grain free, paleo lifestyle in seven weeks. Seven weeks!!! Bollocks, that's soon.
Monday, 16 March 2015
Not half bad....
Week ten of my marathon training is off to a god start, and Marathon Day, henceforth to be known as MD, is seven weeks today. Eek!
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.......
When I told The Main Man where I'd been, he was a bit weirded out. Crawfordsburn, The Banks, Clandeboye Road, I circumnavigated the town. The mileage was a challenge, but once I was about five miles in, I got a rhythm going, and was able to shamble along. My main enemy yesterday was boredom. I was on my feet for three hours and thirty-eight minutes and it seemed a very long time. And I was acutely aware of the time passing. I wish I could zone out and just "flow" as my training book talks about. So far though, no joy, and much of yesterday's run was not fun due to the monotony. So next week, I think I'll go back to listening to the book.
This week's mid week runs are five, eight and five miles. That means getting up at 5am or 4.30am. This is the most I will have to run mid week. It will be the case for five weeks. I can't believe I've go to this stage of the training. When I first saw the programme, I worried about these miles. It seemed like I couldn't possibly get up that early. Now, that's not such a big deal, and the miles themselves do not worry me. All that worries me now is the tedium. Even on the day itself, it's not the twenty-six point two that bothers me so much. I've done the training miles, I can do the marathon. I just need to focus a bit and remind myself again that I want to do this. But if I want to back out, I can do it at any time.
Friday, 13 March 2015
I can stop at any time. Honest!
I don't have to do this, I've chosen to. I could stop at any time. So I'm going to shut the hell up and get on with it. I can just go out and enjoy running for the sake of running. It's getting lighter in the mornings, so I have more choices of places to run. I might try listening to the radio again, though that wasn't a great success yesterday, as there was a lot of static at times, and the only way to stop it was to have my hand on the earphone connection, that was acting as the aerial. I guess I don't really want to run like that for sixteen miles, never mind twenty-six!
My plan tomorrow is to run up the main road to Ballyrobert, turn right towards Crawsordsburn and run to Carnlea, then go through the trees there (if it's light by then) and hit the coastal path. By the time I get to Pickie, that should be ten miles. If I tack on my two normal three milers, or some of the ring road, that should see me finish. So a fair bit of the run will be new, and some will be picturesque. I hope to be done in three hours forty-five. Just one more distance increase to go in the training before the big day. I do sixteen miles three Saturdays in a row, then eighteen for two.
Bring on the Shambolic Shuffle!
Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Dietary adaptations
I must admit, I am feeling hungrier than normal this morning, and I wonder if it's the carbohydrate effect. It's such a long while since I had pasta of any sort, I'm not used to the feeling of massive fullness, then the emptiness afterwards anymore. Another thing is that I've become very spotty in the last few days, around my cheeks and neck, including a particularly attractive one on my upper lip. That could even be a cold sore, which thus far I haven't been prone to. I wonder if I'm run down, or not eating well enough. Or could it be down to the reintroduction of carby things? Interesting. I'll give it a week to see how it developes. It will be fun though, to tryto carb-load in the three days before the marathon :-) Then ice cream after. Oh yes! I shall enjoy that!
A new bum bag arrived today, one that should be big enough to hold my phone (which is masseeeve. A phablet in fact.) I think I will try listening to the radio on my long run this week, to see if that diverts me from the three and a half hours of being inside my own head (never a good place to be for such an extensive time :-D ) I'm also trying to find a nice route to distract me. It's a lot lighter earlier these mornings (thankfully I'm not as self conscious about running in the daylight anymore) so I might use the coastal path from Holywood. It's hilly in parts, but lovely. Maybe that'll take me out of myself a bit.
My latest marathon tome is Angry Jogger, by Angry Jogger. It's funny and full of foul language, right up my street. The writer is from Norn Irn too, a bonus which makes up for the fact that he's not a woman, which goes against my current marathon book policy. (Yeah, yeah, a very sexist policy. Get over it!) It's also about his first marathon attempt (in Belfast just a couple of years ago) and his gradual change from fat bastard to uber fit, ultra distance runner. By way of a bonus, his marathon training program is the very same book that I'm using, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how it pans out.
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Seven and a half miles Baby!
As much as I sometimes find the training schedule a big, scary commitment, I have to admit that I'm so much stronger than I was before I started. If I wasn't increasing my mileage so much, I'd be running my five km routes a few times a week, possibly trying Parkrun every now and again, but there's no way I'd be getting into running over ten miles in one fell swoop, never mind contemplating doing sixteen this weekend.
Feeling good and positive today :-)
Monday, 9 March 2015
Nervy? Moi?
This same affliction is haunting me big time at the moment. I have occasional days when I manage to believe that the marathon and I will hit it off, but for the most part, I think it's going to kick my ass, and I get the jitters accordingly. I need a coping mechanism to get me through the next five weeks of long runs, and then the marathon itself. If I could just tune out my surroundings in some way, I think I'd be okay, but I'm painfully aware of every passing footstep most of the time. I get so bored, just running and running. Saturday just past there was a perfect example. I was running for three hours and fifteen minutes. That time is going to double on the day itself. Marathon day might not be so bad, as there'll be thousands of other runners, and thousands more spectators. But what about the three sixteen mile Saturdays, and two eighteen mile Saturdays? What's going to occupy my brain on those? Like I said, I need a coping mechanism. My training book talks about being in a low to medium state of arousal about it, but I'm well over that threshold, since it disturbs my sleep sometime and gives me butterflies.
Am I starting to think of backing out? I sort of am, but not really. I don't have to do this. I've chosen to do it. So I can back out anytime I want to. It would mean explaining to anyone who's sponsored me, but that alone wouldn't stop me. But I'd be so annoyed with myself if I gave up now. I'm less than two months away from having finished a marathon. I've done more than half the training time now. I've run 171 miles since the 10th Jan in pursuit of this goal. It would be daft to stop now. I just need to learn to think one day at a time. Stop thinking so far ahead!
This morning's run was four miles, and it wasn't overly fast, but it was relatively comfortable, given my legs were a bit tired still after Saturday's run. It was very windy, but no rain. Overall, I've been lucky with the weather. Tomorrow it's seven miles, so another very early start for a Tuesday. I really must try to go to bed early tonight!
Saturday, 7 March 2015
Because of my fear of needing the loo, I decided not to run seven miles out, and seven miles back, or to run a seven mile loop of the ring road, then run it in reverse, as I'd originally thought I might. I thought I'd stay close to home, run a few laps of the park, then head out to the ring road for the last half. As it turned out, I ran the whole thing in the park. Fourteen laps, the same as the laps of the Parkrun. I ran nearly five Parkruns! See how thick the red line is in the map? That's me going round FOURTEEN TIMES in that area!
Did it add to my boredom? I'm not sure. I didn't use the audio book, as I was really trying to get into that focused state that my book talks about. I was trying to think just of the running. But I came in and out of my concentration. And I reached no sort of running nirvana. So that deserves another,"Bluhhhh!"
At least when I finally finished running this week, I didn't feel as if I was going to die. And while my legs are stiff, they aren't actually as bad as they have been in the past. Also, I ran the whole thing with no plasters on my feet at all. That's an improvement. And sometimes, my toes weren't scrunched up. All by themselves. Excellent.
I didn't eat as much shite this week afterwards as I did last week, so my stomach is more settled than it was then. I have used every extra calorie that I earned. But hey, it was a long run, I used a lot of energy. I needed to replenish. (That sounds like a decent excuse. I like it. Think I'll use it after the marathon so I can have lots of ice cream)
Friday, 6 March 2015
In Between Day
I'm going to try tomorrow's run without the audio book, to see if I can get more into the flow of running for the sake of running. My training book says the best way to do that is to get fully immersed in just the running. Think of breathing, foot strike, arms pumping, posture. Go into a sort of altered state of consciousness. Interesting. In my case, I also have to think of not scrunching up my toes. I find I do it automatically after a couple of miles, and then I'm more likely to get blisters and my toes hurt. With the new shoes, there's plenty of room, so no need for that, but I have to consciously unscrunch.
One of my biggest worries is needing to stop half way through the run for a pooh. It won't be such an issue on the marathon day, as there are loads of toilet stops, but that's not the case on the Bangor ring road, or the coastal path to Holywood! And the less said about my one stop on an overpass, one summer morning a couple of years ago, mid 10k run, the better! I'm half thinking of running the whole darn fourteen miles around the town and the park, just so I can be near my own loo! Boring? Yes. But comforting to my hyper wee brain. And I'm trying to get into an altered state, so my surroundings really shouldn't matter.
Yesterday I did four miles. It was really mild in comparison to some mornings, and I wore just a long sleeved top, no base layer or jacket. I was fairly comfortable throughout, and realized at about four km that I was on to beat my current best time. So for the last couple of km I deliberately tried to up my pace a bit, or at least not let it slip. And I did my fasted 5k time and fasted mile pace. Well chuffed. I might not run fast on the Saturday run, but I am improving (slowly.) I may yet be competition for that old woman walking the three legged dog!
I am actually thinking that once I'm finished with the marathon, I will work on my five and ten k times. Once that is, I've collapsed and remained comatose for about a week. I shit you not. I have already booked the necessary time off work for said period of unconsciousness.
If nothing else, this running lark, and using the myfitnesspal app to track my food, has resulted thus far in a weight loss of nearly two stone in two months. Go me! I'd dearly love at least a stone more to vamoose before the big day. Then I could be back under 200lb again. That's just over fourteen stone. That's starting to sound just normally overweight (yeah, I know it's still obese, but it sounds less than that, even on my wee five foot two personage.) I'll be "normal" yet!
Quick update: My knees feel great today. I can't believe how not-sore my knees are! Just right for me to do fourteen miles on in the morning, and wreck them all over again :-) I love K T tape.
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Mid Week Slump And It's Not Even Mid Week!
The run itself didn't have the feel-good factor that yesterday's did. There was a very cold wind blowing right in my face a lot of the time, and I was tired. I had to use a lot of positive talking to myself to get through it. I told myself that I was strong and getting stronger and that I was made of stern stuff so I couldn't quit.Corny, I know, but it got me though it. I don't want to set a precedent of not finishing a run. That would not be good for my moral. I must admit though that I thought I was going to have to stop to go to the loo though. That's been the case on a couple of runs now.
Well, I got through it, that's the main thing, and every time I finish a run that I don't want to finish, I get a little stronger. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
Monday, 2 March 2015
Inversely Proportional.
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Half Marathon!
It's very easy for me to to get caught up in the miles that I still have to do, instead of celebrating what I've already achieved. Yesterday, once I got home, I tried to concentrate on what an amazing thing I'd just done. It took me three hours and one minute, but I did it. Of course, that sort of time will take my whole marathon time to over six hours, which is the threshold that I'd like to beat, but I can't get preoccupied with that. I just have to finish! I need to keep telling myself that.
I ran to Donaghdee and back. It was less intimidating to run somewhere and return, than it was to do what I did last week, which was to run the whole distance, then get the train home. I got cold and stiff on the train, which was quite unpleasant. At least this week, when things got tough at about mile ten, I knew I was on my way home. The last two miles especially were not easy. It's hard to tell on the way out, but they are very much on a gradient, and it's all uphill on the way home. I'm not joking when I say that a dog walker could have overtaken me. I really was on a go slow. But in hindsight I don't care. I didn't stop. I didn't give up.
The book told me last week to have a mantra that I can recite to myself. Mine is (please pardon how corny it sounds) "I am a marathoner. I love to run. I run with a smile on my face. I always finish my run. I am strong and getting stronger. I am a marathoner." If I say it over and over to myself, I get into a rhythm with it, and I sort of forget where I am for a bit. A few of the kilometers went in quite quickly that way. Of course, when I say to myself, "I run with a smile on my face," and I try to actually smile, it's more of a rictus grin, but I'll keep working on it, because occasionally it comes off as quite natural.
Yesterday was the first time I've tried to fuel on the go. I will try gels next week, but they didn't arrive in time this week, so I used dried fruit and nut bars, along with my sports drink. I'm not sure if it did any good,but perhaps the last few miles would have been more difficult if I hadn't eaten them. I used nearly two litres of fluid replacement, so I'm getting used to drinking on the run.
My shoes, which I'm now convinced are half a size too small for longer runs, when my feet swell up, did not give me too much bother yesterday. My toes were well plastered up, and I had a good Compeed plaster on my right heel, and barring getting my first proper blister on my left big toe, my tootsies remained in relatively good shape. I went out today though and bought a pair of Brooks shoes, in a size seven. It's about a month earlier than I meant to buy new shoes, but they were only £50, so I won't feel too bad if I decide to buy another pair before the marathon. They feel nice and wide at the toes, so as they swell with mileage, they have room to spread out a bit. I hope they weren't too cheap. I hope they offer enough support.
Enough waffle for now. I'm going to plot out my fourteen mile route for next week.
Update... forgot to say that I'm still neglecting the stretching. Not sensible at all. I do a couple of stretches after the long run, but a lot of them hurt my knees, so I don't do many, or do them for very long. And I know my core strength is not good enough. I have been meaning to work on some ab exercises since the start of January. So only two months late then! Still better late than never, so I did fifteen sit ups, five crunches, five leg raises and a ten second plank this evening. I will do the same tomorrow. It's the thirty day ab programme that I started before,but didn't complete because I hurt myself around day eleven. So I'm just going to take it easy and not increase the reps every day. I will do something for three days in a row, possibly increase a little on one of those days, and then have an abs rest day. That will strengthen them a bit.
The other update is that I wish I could get rid of the nerves I always feel when I start to think of running, especially the long runs, or the weather when it's cold. I really worry about ice stopping me going out. And when I do go out, I worry about slipping and hurting myself. But my biggest worry is the long run, where I'm going to do it, whether I'll be able to finish it, whether I'll hurt myself by doing too much or not being well enough fueled or hydrated, all that sort of stuff. And actually, those nerves are under the surface pretty much all of the time. I am really looking forward to this effing marathon being over so I can finally rid of the constant butterflies.
Friday, 27 February 2015
Is This Marathon Lark Really For Me?
Monday, 16 February 2015
I thought I'd avoided the other half's lurgy. I got through a whole week or more of him not being well (he's still not great) with nery a sniffle. Then I got a bit of a sore throat after my run on Saturday. It got worse yesterday. I debated wherher or not to run this morning, but decided to give it a go. Not a good idea. I feel like shit now. Really sore throat, cough, aches and can't get heat in to me. Blahhhhh! No running for a couple of days and no work. Lots of fluids and sleep I think.
Clearly though, my biggest worry is falling behind with my training. I do have a couple of spare days but I want to stay on top of the mileage. It's a fine line. Do the training, keep up and risk delaying recovery? Or rest, miss a few days, then get back to it, with some catching up to do? I know which makes the most sense but it's hard to follow good sense sometimes.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
Friday, 13 February 2015
Decisions decesions
- Run would be done and dusted.
- Legs are taped up and ready to go. I could get the hydration pack ready too as the sports mix arrived also.
- The Main Man is off work tomorrow, so we could have a lie in together.
- Both Saturday and Sunday would be recovery days.
- Running in late evening traffic.
- The route would be the ring road and the coast. If I run in the morning, I'd be trying somewhere different.
- Chances are I'd start off a lot more tired than if I waited till tomorrow, and nearly two and half hours of running wouldn't be easy, finishing around 8.30pm I think.
There's comfort in the thought of doing the faithful old ring road, but the new route appeals too. Blast it, make your mind up Woman!
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
New stuff!
The hydration pack and KT tape arrived. Knees are duely taped (and look darn silly) and pack has been filled with water and found to be not leaking. It's all good!
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
First Chaffing Issue....
But, as I said, other than my bloody stump of a right heel, my first real chaffing issue is my back. Caused by my sports bra of all things. I have a scab in the middle of my back which stings as I start to sweat (lovely image) and it's caused by the clasp of my bra. Since I'm generously boobed, a supportive bra is essential. For "supportive," think straight jacket. And that's not easy to get on, given my now slightly limited range of motion in my right arm since I broke it four years ago. I have to do the clasps up and put it on like a vest, over my head. Yes, I'm eleven again, trying to work a bra! And it's not easy. It's not such a problem to get off thank goodness. On reflection, I think a new bra might be in order.
What's happened to my photos? They've all gone. Hmmmm. Annoying. I'll leave them up for a bit to see if it's temporary.
This morning I did five miles. It took over an hour. I got up at five and that was loads of time. Next week though, I go to six miles on a Tuesday. This is going to get tight for time if I keep trying for before work. At least I'm getting a bit better at going to bed earlier.
Monday, 9 February 2015
This week's motivation tip
Visualization is the order of the day this week. As I head towards a ten mile run for the first time, I have to come up with a version of my best ever training run, write it down and then become so familiar with it that I can run it, like a video in my head, whenever I need to remember how good running feels. My problem is that I just can't think of one that's vivid enough. I've enjoyed plenty of runs, but the details are all very sketchy. I mean, I can't remember sights and smells. I think I will have to go for an amalgamation of the good bits of various runs, some from my current, marathon running incarnation as a runner and some from my previous weight loss running days.
The second visualization is to be of what will happen and how I will feel when I cross the finish line of the marathon, who will be there, what we'll say to each other and what I will do. That one is easier as I've already been doing it on a fairly regular basis, nearly always the same, with very few variations.
Training run scenario:
"I leave the house in early morning. It's just starting to get light. I'm not self conscious of running in the daylight. It's a Spring morning, before 6am, mild weather despite not being full light yet and as the Sun rises, it becomes clear that there's not a cloud in the sky. I'm in no hurry. No work to go to. I feel light and relaxed as I run down the street from my front door. As I get to the main road, I feel comfortable and am looking forward to the 5k ahead. It's the week after my first ever sub thirty minute Parkrun. I did that with a pacemaker and I want to see if I can do it by myself. I set off strong and although I know it will be an effort, I did it a couple of days ago, so I know, am confident, that I can so it again.
There's a light breeze, preventing me from getting too warm. My feet are striking the pavement firmly but softly, if that makes sense, knowing where they're going but not jarring. I run past the shops, 1.5k in. Feeling fresh still. It's lighter now and as I turn the corner off the road, I can see and smell the sea. The Sun is orange as it comes out of the sea and I head up the slight incline that I hate towards the house on the Esplanade, except today it's no problem and I run along the road, no cars at this early hour, and three kilometers done. More than halfway there.
Past the yacht club, the sounds of loose ropes and things making that tinging noise in the breeze. Starting to feel the effort now but knowing there's less than 2k to go and legs are in a good rhythm. I run on, the marina is in sight. Sweating now despite the breeze but feeling as if I could run for another half an hour. The final push up the hill to my street is not a chore because I'm so concerned with the time I've done. Just one more wee tenth of a km to go! Hit the stop button. 28.45! Feeling wrecked. But bloody brilliant!"
That'll do nicely. Now to read it a million times and learn if off by heart. I will do the next one tomorrow
Sunday, 8 February 2015
Sunday Musinigs
My training book, "The Non Runner's Marathon Trainer," by David A Whitsett, Forrest A Dolgener and Tanjala Mabon Kale talks about it in this week's chapter. Week five of the training programme, chapter five of the book. That's how it works. This week will be culminate in a ten mile long run, and for me that will mean running for over two hours for the first time. Clearly, hydration is going to be very important. I've always known that it wasn't necessary to carry water with me while I was running for less than an hour, and so far, up to yesterday, I've got away with not drinking "on the run" as it were. But that means that I've got into the habit of travelling light. Recently, I've only carried a front door key with me and my Garmin watch, not even a phone. (I must admit that I've been conscious of having no phone when I've been running longer distances. It doesn't feel safe or sensible to have no form of communication while I'm out running alone in the dark.)
The idea of having to carry a couple of 500ml bottles of water did not fill me with joy. I hate the idea of being burdened down. And how would I carry them? On some sort of Batman utility belt? That would look just fab, wouldn't it! I am superficial enough to care that that would look just ridiculous. Even though no one else pays a blind bit of notice to me as I run past, in the dark, I'm uber self conscious, and the idea that I'd look like a fat Batman, out on a jog, basically Del Boy in fancy dress, filled me with dread.
Amazon* to the rescue! I typed in "hydration pack" and a veritable plethora of running hydration solutions appeared before my very eyes,in various colours, shapes and sizes. I pumped for a two litre bladder in a back pack with room to carry a few bits and pieces, phone, keys, teeshirt etc. It was only a tenner, so if it's crap, I can send it back and try again, though in fairness, the reviews were good. The only real reservation I have is its size. It looks quite big. It needs to be light and unobtrusive.
Also on the subject of hydration, I'm thinking of easing off on coffee for a while. Go down to one cup a day possibly, because of its diuretic properties. I'm thinking of trying to mix cinnamon and honey together, to make a sort of herbal infusion, perhaps in chamomile tea. Anti inflammatory and anti biotic in one fell swoop. Not sure what it'll taste like, but it sounds like it should be good.
My legs feel quite good today despite the eight miles yesterday and the sore knees at the time. My left knee and right achilles both feel a bit twingey, so I'm watching them carefully. I've read of people using ibuprofen regularly to manage pain, but I really don't want to go down that route. I wouldn't rule it out on the day, but only if I've tried it at least once beforehand. And I really need to be careful what I eat as well. Sounds obvious, but I made soup a few days ago, red pepper and beetroot, and I think it's still exiting my system. Seriously, I can't be doing shit like that (literally!) as the time draws near.
And on that fragrant note...
*Other shopping website are available :-)
Saturday, 7 February 2015
I love my breakfast on a Saturday!
Not that it's my biggest concern, but it's worth mentioning that I was pretty happy with my pace this morning. It wasn't bad at all. It was consistent. And in the last three K, I was able to speed up a little because I wanted to get home before The Main Man went to work. He knew I'd been out since 5.45am, and I wanted him to see that I'd got home safe. I made it back in time to see him. I was well chuffed. I did the thirteen kilometers in one hour, forty-seven minutes. Slow but steady.
My knees are sore today. Not massively, but more than normal. I stretched after the run, something I am guilty of skimping on. I still need to do it more. I wore my usual knee support. I read about something called Kinesiology Therapy (KT) tape yesterday. It's applied to the area in need of support,and can stay there for a couple of days. The reviews are all good, saying it works better than the neoprene supports. I've ordered some, and we'll see how that goes. I will check out on line how to apply it for my needs. Fingers crossed I can head off any injury possibilities at the pass.
And breakfast? A massive chicken,onion, mushroom, red pepper and kale omelette with a pot of coffee. Yummo!
Friday, 6 February 2015
Eight Miles In The Morning
I can honestly say that I'm almost looking forward to it. Knowing exactly where I'm running really helps. No ambiguity about finding the miles. But I think the main thing is knowing that I'm in no hurry. Not having to go to work afterwards is a massive boon. To be able to have a leisurely shower, then a big breakfast and a massive cup of coffee at my own pace is quite the luxury, given I'm used to running mid week.
I have thought about starting to listen to audio books on the longer Saturday runs. I tried out Pride and Prejudice on my train journeys to work and really enjoyed it. I've downloaded a food addiction one next (that should be a right bundle of laughs) so I might give it a go tomorrow. Failing that, I will try a story again, perhaps Jane Eyre.
I have taken to reading anything that says "Non Runner's Guide to Marathons" in the title. You'd be surprised how many different ones there are. I'm just finished one, and about to start another. Both by women. That's a factor too. If a woman wrote it, it must be good. Sexist, moi? Surely some mistake.
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Best sleep in ages!
Maybe it was because I knew I wasn't getting up uber early for a run, but I had an almost undisturbed sleep last night. I woke at 4.30am to use the loo and then not again till the alarm went off two hours later. Amazing! Perhaps the five miles and the 5am start had a part to play, but I think it ws mainly the knowledge that I had no run to accommodate this morning. It made me consider doing tomorrow's three miles tonight, after work, instead. But I can't coz I'm going out for dinner with The Main Man, his bro and bro's wife. Looking forward to that.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
Up Too late.
It's just coming up to 10pm and I'm knackered. I'm on the train, heading home, having visited Mum. I should be in bed. My eyes are gritty and I could sleep rightly. At least I'm not running tomorrow, so no early start. I'm seriously considering running my next (a three miler ) in the evening on Thursday, so I can lie on till 6.30. I need to do something to improve my sleep. It's very disturbed at the moment.
Week Four Already!
I'm definitely improving. Not speed wise. That's still very slow. But as far as stamina is concerned, I'm getting better. I can't say I'm not a bit bored sometimes, but I'm able to go the distance each time and it's becoming further in to each run before my legs start to feel heavy. I was okay right up to 5k and beyond this morning. I'm pleased with that.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
Seven Miles - One Hour Thirty Five
Boy, I'm slow! I don't mind too much, except that the same distance would have taken me about twenty minutes less when I was lighter and fitter. But hey, I got it done.
No frost at all was a welcome sight. It was extremely windy at times, but for the most part, I ran round the ring road and it was quite calm. Over the by-pass was a different story. It would have blown the head off you. And I really don't like high bridges. My feet, hands and joints all tingle and go weak. And so does my minney-moo, and not in a pleasant way!
It's a slightly hilly route, very up and down , though none of the hills are long or steep. And it's quite boring, going from roundabout to roundabout, but I've done it often, so I knew what to expect. And I can honestly say I almost enjoyed it. That's a big improvement. I was tired after 3k, but felt okay not long afterwards, especially when I got halfway. As always!
I think that's the longest distance I've ever done in one go and I was walking like I'd been riding a horse afterwards. I had a couple of niggles in both knees as I ran, so I'm keeping an eye on that. But otherwise, I feel good now, on my recovery day. This week, its three, five, three and eight miles. I got up at 6.15am yesterday so as to have the bulk of it done in the dark. So it'll be 6am next week. This self consciousness will ease, I know. But it's amazing the difference even fifteen minutes makes to the traffic on a Saturday (I hate running with cars driving past me.) Before 7am, practically nothing. After Seven? A steady trickle. Not that I'm obsessive, but I counted 205 cars between the Gransha Road roundabout and Bangor West train station, where I finally stopped counting. I was trying to distract myself from the distance.
Apart from the fact that it means getting up at 5.30 in the morning, and I find it very difficult to go to bed at a reasonable hour to support that early rise, I'm quite looking forward to a wee three miler tomorrow.
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
Tired tired tired
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Up to six miles now
I was dreading it in a way. Six miles is twice the distance I'm used to running at the moment, and while I was pretty sure that I could do it, I wasn't sure how well it would go. I was out before 7am,so it was still very dark, which was the plan. I wanted to have it mostly finished before it got too light. I tacked two 5k routes that I do together, and was pretty pleased with the resulting run, though it was weird to start into the second half, knowing I'd already done 5k, and there was 5 more to go.
I'm still not sure how I will cope with the extreme length of time that the whole distance will take, but I am definitely becoming slightly more relaxed about the whole thing. Baring the boredom issue, my main concerns at the moment are still the frost in the mornings (there were a few bad patches this morning) and whether a paleo diet is a suitable for marathon training. There's nowt I can do about the frost, but I've read a bit about the food, and I think I'll start eating brown and wild rice in a week or two, up my carb intake a bit during training and then a bit more a few days before the actual event. This article really helped How to fuel a marathon- Mark's Daily Apple
Thursday, 22 January 2015
No Frost!
It was a positively balmy two degrees, no wind and absolutely no frost on my run this morning. Spring-like in fact. Well, maybe that's taking it a bit far, but it was pleasant. I'm thankful for every such morning. It was a three miler today and it went well. Again I was about three kilometers in before I started to fell my legs were tiring. There is consistent progress there. Love that! And that should only continue to improve as my fitness increases and my weight decreases.
The book refers to perceived rate of exertion and asks the runner to rate it from one to ten, one being no effort at all, and says the training shoyld rank somewhere between three and five. I guess I'm in that range. There's definitely effort, but it's far from killing me.
Chapter two talks about a positive outlook on everything and suggests that when a negative though pops up, it be followed with "but it doesn't matter." So I think, "I'm tired...but it doesn't matter." Or "Here comes this hill I hate...but it doesn't matter," or "It's raining...but it doesn't matter," and I run regardless. There are lots of these wee thoughts that occur and "it doesn't matter" deals with them all.
For me, the prevailing thought is fear of the distance. Chapter three suggests that I read the intro of the book again, which explains the success rate of the training programme. Must do that.
And my rubbed heel was fine today. I laced my trainers slightly differently and put on a really good blister plaster. For good read expensive but it worked so it was worth it.
Monday, 19 January 2015
And So Beginnth Week Two.
I was seriously worried about the weather I would greet on my run this morning. I'm so anxious that frost will curtail my training for the next month or two. As it was, I needn't have worried. There wasn't even a hint of frost anywhere on the route this morning. It was great. And the run itself was good too. Without meaning to, I actually did the five kilometres in just (and I do mean just) under forty minutes. It didn't feel much harder either. Go figure!
Well, that was yesterday. This morning was a four mile run and there was definitely frost on a fair bit of the route, though thankfully nothing that stopped me running. My right heel is still rubbing even when it's swathed in plasters. I will clearly need to find a better way to protect it. It bled today and that would be most unpleasant over twenty-six miles.
I do wonder if I will be able to stick the boredom of running by myself for so mamy hours. I get pissed off with myself after half an hour! And hill worry me. There are a couple of short steep ones on my regular routes and by the time I'm at the top of them, I'm barely shuffling, never mind running. Still, I know I'm gettig stronger so hopefullt hills will become more manageable, even the six mile Antrim Road stretch of the marathon route.
I'm also starting to wonder about getting enough carbs for long runs from my paleo eating. I will really have to read up on it.
Saturday, 17 January 2015
First Long Run
At this point, the long run isn't much longer than any other, but this is the one run in a week when I need to have a day of recovery before and after it. Today it was five miles, next week it's six, then seven. Of course, I'm not supposed to think any further ahead than the run I'm doing, so enough of that.
I definitely felt an improvement today. Definitely. And I'm really happy about it. My recent runs have all made my legs really fatigued from the start. That wasn't the case today. I felt relatively comfortable for about the first three kilometers. I then felt even better once I'd hit four km, coz then I was on the downward slope, over halfway there. This is becoming a theme with me. I actually unintentionally speed up on the second half of the run. It's no problem on a five mike run, but it's going to make for a slow, miserable thirteen miles on Marathon Day if I continue like this. 😊
I ran 8.60 km in an hour and ten minutes. At this rate, the marathon will take about six hours. I know at the moment, all I should care about is finishing, and that's what the book says, but I'd like to come in under six hours. There really is no point projectiong into the future. I don't want to be unrealistically optimistic or go the other way and depress myself. I've no way of knowing how I'm going to be doing a few weeks from now. Already, the difference is brilliant. A couple of weeks ago it felt as if all my runs would be dogged with heavy legs for the entire distance, and today that proved not to be the case. Even running a full two km more than I'd previously gone was totally doable. So goodness knows how I'll be feeling in a few weeks. (Fingers crossed 😃)
The main thing to worry me this morning was the weather. It was still dark and though cold, nothing base layer didn't deal with. I only ever feel the need for it on the top. My legs are usually fine in capri pants. No, it wasn't the temperature but the frost. There were parts of the pavement that were totally clear, but then there were other parts that were treacherous. Thankfully, for the most part, the street lights showed the slippy patches up. They really sparkled. And the only time I came genuinelt close to slipping was when I'd stopped. There was a bad patch at the marina. I was fortunate enough today,but it was a bit nerve wrecking so I hope this cold spell doesn't last to long. That said, I'm a lot luckier in Bangor than a lot of places are. There's some serious snow about at the moment in more rural areas.
But enough of the Barra Best material. That's fifteen miles done this week and I'm well chuffed. I think early on a Saturday morning is the best time for my weekend long run. It gets it done and there aren't many people about. Plus, it starts the day well. I get up early and have the whole day ahead of me. It's a great start to the day. And I made a big bacon, mushroom and onion omelette for breakfast. Boy did I enjoy that! I even put a photo on Instagram. Better be careful though. I don't want to become too much of a running/marathon bore. 🏃 🏃 🏃
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Day Off
It was nice to get up a whole hour later this morning. Mind you, halh six came round quickly. Still, it felt like a lie in :-) The result is that I'm looking forward to my three miles in the morning.
I fell as I was walking to the train after work this evening. Never mind the lose of dignity (did I even possess any?) I'm just glad I didn't hurt myself. Imagine the annoyance if I'd twisted something and couldn't run! That's why I need to be careful if we get any ice or snow. I don't want to slip and banjax myself. Though part of me would be so glad of the excuse.
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Day Two And Already I'm Pooped!
I got up fifteen minutes earlier than yeaterday because today's run was scheduled to be four miles. Given that I'm really incredibly slow at the moment, I wanted plenty of time so I could cook breakfast afterwards.
As runs go, it was okay. It took me to be at nealy 4k before I started enjoying it. I suddenly realized that I had less to run than I'd already done, so I was happier. A serious bummer was my right shoe starting to rub after about two kilometres. It's never done it before and I hope it doesn't become a regular event. They only have about 100 miles on them and I've just paid £120 for a Garmin watch so I don't want to have to buy more shoes for a couple of months. I'd like to get some in about late March so they are well worn in but still fresh enough for the marathon.
It was a decent run but now I am really tired. It was an early start and I didn't really go to bed early enough to accommodate that. Still, I finish work at four today and have no run tomorrw, so I can revive a bit.
Monday, 12 January 2015
Day One!
First run of the official training done! I'm pleased with myself that I got up early, as it would have been a struggle to do it after work and eating out at an Indian restaurant. The weather was very windy, especially the last 1.5 km on the sea front. I think I'll avoid there tomorrow. But it wasn't overly cold. I was tired from the get go though, which disappointed me, given I had a recovery day yesterday and I had quite a good run on Saturday, tiredness wise. Ah well. I felt good afterwards and hopefully it'll get easier as I get lighter and do a few more miles. In a few weeks, a three miler will almost be a wee jaunt.
So it was three miles on the schedule and that's what I ran.
Sunday, 11 January 2015
Thursday, 8 January 2015
Time to get serious.
I am serious about running the marathon, so I have checked out a couple of training programmes. Both of them are sixteen weeks long. I took a couple of weeks off, both sensible eating and running, for Christmas and my sixteen weeks starts on Monday. Hence the title.
I've chosen to follow "The Non Runner's Marathon Guide" based on a college course which takes students from absolute beginner to marathon finisher. The only stipulation is that you be able to run for a full half hour a few times a week and that you do that for two weeks before the sixteen start. This week I've done three miles on three occasions so far. I hope to get out once more before Monday.
In a change ot tact, I have run on a couple of evenings after work. Since I seem to have a bit of a problem getting myself out of bed some, I mean a lot, of mornings, evenings may be the only way to go. I hate that there are loads of people about to see me, especially as I am so fat again, but needs must. I'm sure I'll toughen up to the idea as I get used to it. It really hasn't been too bad so far. When I get to having to do longer runs, early morning might not be the best option anyway. Runs are going to be longer and more tiring. I fell asleep briefly on the train to work this morning as it was, after only 5k!