Tuesday, 17 March 2015

I must be nuts

I'm so glad that I only have to do that four more times. Get up at 4.30 am, that is, to get my run done before work. It was eight miles this morning. It took an hour and three quarters. So up at 4.30, out the door before 4.45, back just before 6.30. All in time to have a shower, make a good brekkie (kale and bacon omelette) and get the train. Phew!

The run was okay initially, but I fatigued quite quickly and I am very tired now. I mean just drained of energy. Not enough carbs perhaps. As a solution, and perhaps not the best one, I got some jelly sweets in work. A big bowl of porridge and banana might have been a better option, but not the best thing to eat at my desk. It definitely perked me up a bit. Will there be a sugar crash now, I wonder?

Thinking about it though, I definitely didn't drink enough water yesterday, so I bet dehydration has something to do with it, especially as I don't bring anything to drink on the hoof, if the run is eight miles or less. I'll make an effort to do better today.

I'm going to cook some brown rice later as part of my campaign to increase my healthy carb intake. I will go back to the grain free, paleo lifestyle in seven weeks. Seven weeks!!! Bollocks, that's soon.

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