Monday, 2 March 2015

Inversely Proportional.

Worst night's sleep ever last night, conversely best run in a while this morning. I don't get the correlation,  but who am I to argue? I went to bed, lights out, for 11.15pm and set the alarm for ten past five. I was aware of every hour that passed. The only thing I can think of to explain it was my anxiety about running this morning. The weather was to get cold again, with frost and snow, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to run. But it was okay. Cold, but no frost to speak of. (It's snowing heavily now though, so tomorrow's six miles might be in danger.)

As runs go though, I was constantly under eight minutes per km. That's slow, but it's a steady pace for me these days and I'm very happy with it. As I was awake anyway,  I got up a bit earlier than intended. That was just as well as it turned out, as I had to use the loo before I ran. And I mean really use the loo. It's been like that since I got home after the thirteen miles on Saturday. I'm starting to think it's related to what I ate. Between the date and cashew bars that I used on the run, the seed and cereal energy bars I had for breakfast and then the bag of Haribo jellies, that I ate just coz they were there, I think all the sugar and fibre has gone straight to my gut. I had another pooh after the run! While I appreciate the benefits of being regular,  I do hope these effects don't go on for long. It will be gels this week so long as they arrive before Saturday, and porridge after the run. No more cereal bars or Haribo!

Because of my uncertainty over the weather, I changed my route. Then, seeing it wasn't icy at all, I changed it again. I ended up running part of a regular route backwards and it was refreshing to not know exactly how many km away from home each step was taking me. I'm sure it added to the feel-good factor of the run.

This snow isn't easing off, in fact, it's getting harder. I hope I don't lose many days of training.

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