Tomorrow sees me tackle eight miles, and the route I've chosen is almost exactly the same as last week, with a little extra tacked on to each end, to make it up to thirteen kilometers. So long as it's not too frosty, as various parts would be prone to icing up. But it's not forecast to be too cold. I swear I'm turning into a regular Cecilia Daly. I've never shown so much interest in the weather before!
I can honestly say that I'm almost looking forward to it. Knowing exactly where I'm running really helps. No ambiguity about finding the miles. But I think the main thing is knowing that I'm in no hurry. Not having to go to work afterwards is a massive boon. To be able to have a leisurely shower, then a big breakfast and a massive cup of coffee at my own pace is quite the luxury, given I'm used to running mid week.
I have thought about starting to listen to audio books on the longer Saturday runs. I tried out Pride and Prejudice on my train journeys to work and really enjoyed it. I've downloaded a food addiction one next (that should be a right bundle of laughs) so I might give it a go tomorrow. Failing that, I will try a story again, perhaps Jane Eyre.
I have taken to reading anything that says "Non Runner's Guide to Marathons" in the title. You'd be surprised how many different ones there are. I'm just finished one, and about to start another. Both by women. That's a factor too. If a woman wrote it, it must be good. Sexist, moi? Surely some mistake.
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