Monday, 16 February 2015


I thought I'd avoided the other half's lurgy. I got through a whole week or more of him not being well (he's still not great) with nery a sniffle. Then I got a bit of a sore throat after my run on Saturday.  It got worse yesterday. I debated wherher or not to run this morning, but decided to give it a go. Not a good idea. I feel like shit now. Really sore throat, cough, aches and can't get heat in to me. Blahhhhh! No running for a couple of days and no work. Lots of fluids and sleep I think.

Clearly though, my biggest worry is falling behind with my training. I do have a couple of spare days but I want to stay on top of the mileage. It's a fine line. Do the training, keep up and risk delaying recovery? Or rest, miss a few days, then get back to it, with some catching up to do? I know which makes the most sense but it's hard to follow good sense sometimes.

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