Sunday, 8 February 2015

Sunday Musinigs

I was determined not to get out of bed earlier than 10am this morning. After a week of getting up at 5am and 6.30am, I was looking forward to a lie in. I ended up lying awake for a while though I sure as Hell wasn't for getting out of bed before the allotted time! So I spent a while getting into a mental paddy about long runs, and the need to hydrate on them.

My training book, "The Non Runner's Marathon Trainer," by David A Whitsett, Forrest A Dolgener and Tanjala Mabon Kale talks about it in this week's chapter. Week five of the training programme, chapter five of the book. That's how it works. This week will be culminate in a ten mile long run, and for me that will mean running for over two hours for the first time. Clearly, hydration is going to be very important. I've always known that it wasn't necessary to carry water with me while I was running for less than an hour, and so far, up to yesterday, I've got away with not drinking "on the run" as it were. But that means that I've got into the habit of travelling light. Recently, I've only carried a front door key with me and my Garmin watch, not even a phone. (I must admit that I've been conscious of having no phone when I've been running longer distances. It doesn't feel safe or sensible to have no form of communication while I'm out running alone in the dark.)

The idea of having to carry a couple of 500ml bottles of water did not fill me with joy. I hate the idea of being burdened down. And how would I carry them? On some sort of Batman utility belt? That would look just fab, wouldn't it! I am superficial enough to care that that would look just ridiculous. Even though no one else pays a blind bit of notice to me as I run past, in the dark, I'm uber self conscious, and the idea that I'd look like a fat Batman, out on a jog, basically Del Boy in fancy dress, filled me with dread.

Amazon* to the rescue! I typed in "hydration  pack" and a veritable plethora of running hydration solutions appeared before my very eyes,in various colours, shapes and sizes. I pumped for a two litre bladder in a back pack with room to carry a few bits and pieces, phone, keys, teeshirt etc. It was only a tenner, so if it's crap, I can send it back and try again, though in fairness, the reviews were good. The only real reservation I have is its size. It looks quite big. It needs to be light and unobtrusive.
I also bought some tablets that I can add to the water to replace fluids more effectively than with plain water. I'm taking the book's advice on this. They say that water is fine most of the time, but on the longer runs, I need to replace carbohydrates and water alone won't do that. It's good that I start to experiment with these things early, so I know what works for me well in advance of the marathon itself. I don't want to try anything new at all on the day. I want it all tried and tested.

Also on the subject of hydration, I'm thinking of easing off on coffee  for a while. Go down  to one cup a day possibly, because of its diuretic properties. I'm thinking of trying to mix cinnamon and honey together, to make a sort of herbal infusion, perhaps in chamomile tea. Anti inflammatory and anti biotic in one fell swoop. Not sure what it'll taste like, but it sounds like it should be good.

My legs feel quite good today despite the eight miles yesterday and the sore knees at the time. My left knee and right achilles both feel a bit twingey, so I'm watching them carefully. I've read of people using ibuprofen regularly to manage pain, but I really don't want to go down that route. I wouldn't rule it out on the day, but only if I've tried it at least once beforehand. And I really need to be careful what I eat as well. Sounds obvious, but I made soup a  few days ago, red pepper and beetroot, and I think it's still exiting my system. Seriously, I can't be doing shit like that (literally!) as the time draws near.

And on that fragrant note...

*Other shopping website are available :-)

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