Yesterday was the weekly long run. It's the first time that I've deliberately changed my routine to accommodate it, a sign of things to come for the next few months I think. I would stay at my mum's on a Friday night on a fairly regular basis, but this week I got a late train home instead, so I could get up early the next morning to run.
I was dreading it in a way. Six miles is twice the distance I'm used to running at the moment, and while I was pretty sure that I could do it, I wasn't sure how well it would go. I was out before 7am,so it was still very dark, which was the plan. I wanted to have it mostly finished before it got too light. I tacked two 5k routes that I do together, and was pretty pleased with the resulting run, though it was weird to start into the second half, knowing I'd already done 5k, and there was 5 more to go.
I'm still not sure how I will cope with the extreme length of time that the whole distance will take, but I am definitely becoming slightly more relaxed about the whole thing. Baring the boredom issue, my main concerns at the moment are still the frost in the mornings (there were a few bad patches this morning) and whether a paleo diet is a suitable for marathon training. There's nowt I can do about the frost, but I've read a bit about the food, and I think I'll start eating brown and wild rice in a week or two, up my carb intake a bit during training and then a bit more a few days before the actual event. This article really helped How to fuel a marathon- Mark's Daily Apple
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