Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Not dealing well with my time off

I love having time off work. Who doesn't? I always have great plans for what I will do with it. In this case, my OH was meant to be off as well, and having just both updated our passports, we were going to look for a last minute deal somewhere and take off. Neither of us travel a lot, so it would have been a nice change of pace. Then his job changed, and his plans to take time off evaporated. Ah well. The best laid plans and all that.

But that didn't mean I couldn't still have my leave. I had the time booked, and I wanted to use it. My holiday year starts in January, so it's not as if I could hold it over to April. Anyway, my head was already in the holiday mode when OH's plans changed. I'd have been gutted to have to go to work this week. So I did what any sensible person would do. I took my week off. I like my own company, so I knew I'd still enjoy myself.

I planned to get up early on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings to do my run as usual. Then possibly do the Parkrun on Saturday morning as well. Monday went as planned. And boy did I feel smug! A day off and I still got up at 5.30am and ran my 5k. I intended to do a strength work out yesterday. Just the fifteen minute body weight workout that I found on the net, that I did last week. I wasn't going to get up at 5.30 to do that, just do it as soon as I woke, whenever that would be. But instead, I had an increadiblky lazy day yesterday. I did nothing but eat. And eat CRAP at that. So much for the three simple rules.

Today, Wednesday, the alarm was set for 5.30. I ignored it. And now I'm sitting in Cafe Nero, with a large black decaf, a scone and a mince pie. Yes, my plans for training and weight loss are progressing splendidly.

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